Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Goals

It is a new year, and another chance to start fresh. I was thinking about my goals for this new year. They're not really resolutions, but things that would come out of a different attitude.

  • Be willing to step out of my comfort zone and watch God work in ways He wouldn't be able to if I wasn't able to let go. Taking small "risks", as in trying new things, forming new opinions.
  • Deal with the crap. I need to stop brushing things under the rug and face them as they happen. Things don't get solved when you avoid them, and they can end up becoming bigger issues. I need to work on being upfront and honest with people when it's necessary so that friendships aren't broken when they don't need to be.
  • Stop interrupting. I miss a lot when I spend half of a conversation  jumping in with a lot of ,"Oh yeahs! I was thinkings.." Or throwing in my thoughts or ideas. And it's rude, so I'll work on that..
  • I want to mend friendships that haven't gone the way I envisioned. Because my friends mean the world to me, and I need to stop worrying about embarrassing myself by trying to be the better person and work things out. It's freaky to confront hurtful situations, but it needs to be done sooner or later. 
And some suggestions for anyone who needs ideas:

  • Don't spend so much time being angry or complaining. Be thankful for everything you're blessed with.
  • Put yourself in other people's shoes. I know you hear it all the time, so its gotten old, but seriously. Often times we wouldn't be so hard on people if we just thought of what they may be currently dealing with.
  • Take things one step at a time.  A lot of unnecessary stress comes from jumping ahead of yourself. 
  • You don't have to like everyone, but remember to love everyone. We could all use some love through every day, but a lot of people forget that they can be an encourager.

Remember, things could always be worse. And if you saw everyone else's struggles, yours wouldn't seem so awful. Don't be discouraged; this year is going to be a great one. <3

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