Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Moon and More

Sweet boy,

Are you ready? Are you ready for me and all my quirks and crazy? I am a girl after all- very different from you boys- so have you prepared yourself to handle me just as I am?

Sometimes I feel that the fact that I can handle myself means I can deal with anything. But that doesn't mean other people know how to handle me. If we think about it though, all people are the same: we need to be handled with care.

I know you have the very best intentions for me. God is keeping me away from those who don't care about my value, safety, and heart.

I want you to know I have very high standards. But I'm not high maintenance. Moments are more important to me than things- that's all you need to know. ;) I am happy sitting on the couch eating mac and cheese and watching our favorite movie while sharing life stories. You're already my favorite, so as long as we're together, what we're doing doesn't really matter.

Sometimes I get discouraged about waiting to meet you, and I feel sad in knowing it's not time for us to be together yet.  So to make myself feel a little better, I go outside and look at the moon. And I realize, even though we are apart, that wherever you are in that moment, if you looked up you'd see the moon too, and somewhere you are with me under that big sky. And knowing we're looking at the same thing, it makes me feel a little less scared, and even more thankful that someday we'll get to look up at the moon together.
And maybe we can even have some mac and cheese.

I know God is preparing me to handle all the boy-ness that you have, because again: you and I are very different. I want to love and understand you without questioning. I want to build you up, and encourage you in faith and love. I want us to love God, love each other, and do life together the best we can. I know God is shaping me right now, and working in my heart to prepare me for you; even if I think I'm ready for our relationship, obviously I'm not because God isn't giving me direction yet. I believe that you're almost ready to show up, and that when you do, it'll just work. We will just click, and we'll know. Because God knows my heart, and He knows I want your companionship. So get ready, because He is working for us. :)

I hope you know that I'm so excited for our encounter to happen. I'm learning a lot about myself as I am waiting for you to come along, and I pray that when we meet we will continue to grow together, and build each other up in love.

Have a great week, love. I pray that God will give you strength to handle the responsibilities and give you rest during your down time. I pray that He will guide us to each other, with peace and not confusion, with clarity and not doubt.
