Sunday, August 9, 2015

It's Good

It's only after the fact that I remember I shouldn't try new looks while getting ready for church. This morning I was trying out my new eyeshadow only to realize 'I have no idea what I'm doing'. But I went with it because I didn't have time to take it all off and start over. I guess it didn't turn out as bad as I thought because my mom didn't say anything. ;) 

You know, it's a wonderful feeling to be content. Going through high school, so many things are kind of out of your control and up in the air, and you just don't know what you want or where you're heading- and that's okay. That's how I felt. And really, I still don't know where I'm going. But I know I'm on the right track because I have total peace about what I'm doing. 

It's been a long time since I felt completely content with where I was at, and God has brought me back to that, and I feel so at peace and so thankful. It's hard to describe... I'm excited to be beginning college, excited to be involved in church and serving the Lord, 100% okay with being single, and so so eager to see what God has waiting for me. I just can't explain it. It's like the things that have weighed on me aren't anymore, and I'm learning to go with the flow, and I'm just so excited. Does that make any sense? God has given me a new love for Him, and I'm eager to learn and serve, and... It's just so good. God is so good. He is doing a mighty work, everyone, and you don't want to miss it!

I think I'm becoming that person that wants to tell EVERYONE how great God is, and talk about it all the time. So prepare yourselves :) I am on fire. 
And I really love my mom too. <3 

I guess that's all. Keep your chin up. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Just Saying

Why is it that no matter how in-shape I get, Jillian Michaels always manages to turn me into a huffing-puffing-mess by the end of the stupid DVD? Also, I don't think I've mentioned it but for the last month and a half (ish), I have been alternating between yoga and running for my workouts. The last couple weeks have been too hot to run, so it's been mostly yoga and I hate to say this but.......I think I'm becoming bored with it. WHICH IS TERRIBLE. Because it's working and it's good, but I haven't been looking forward to it the last several days. So. That's happening. BUT!!! I have lost 8 pounds (at the moment I'm writing this) since I re-started (AGAIN, ugh) my weight/fitness/health goal stuff. I have 8 to go, but I'm feeling confident. On August 10 it will be eight weeks since I started so that's a great pace; hitting at least one pound a week. And we are considering doing a Daniel Fast with our church starting next Monday, so that could speed things along a bit.

So, today seems to be international "handsome boy with a scruffy half-beard walking around so beautifully...WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND day". Does anyone feel my pain? Like, I can enjoy looking at these people but only for a few seconds because I don't want to be killed by the equally beautiful girl right next to him. #thestruggle It's all good- they're probably too old for me anyway right?

Can anyone tell me about Yonanas Machines? I saw them at Sam's today, and heard about them just a couple weeks ago, and I'm fascinated. Is it worth buying? Like, would I use it every day? Let me know if you know, because I'm super curious.

Maybe I'll want to workout if I eat something so I don't feel weak and hungry...What a concept.

I'm re-reading The Fault In Our Stars. Don't question it.

And I don't really know what else to talk about, so I'll leave you all with this: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." ~C.S. Lewis
