Okay, I went to Target recently and bought a couple of products that are new to me. First, is the No. 7 Beautiful Skin Night Cream for Normal/Oily Skin. I'm not typically a person who will just pick out a cream like this for fun, but I figured I'll never know if something works for me unless I actually try it. I've never used a 'night cream' before, and figured if I didn't like it I can always return it. Anyway, I used it last night for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. The cream is pretty light and you only need a smidge for your whole face and neck, so the container should last a long time. It was refreshing on my skin, and when I woke up, my face still looked like it was freshly washed. My skin looked calm if that makes any sense. "Created to help your oily skin behave like normal skin and provide tailored skin nutrition for healthy looking, bright and beautiful skin... to hydrate whilst rebalancing oil production overnight and preventing breakouts." I do have to say, my skin is definitely more calm throughout the day, not so oily in the oily areas or dry in the dry areas. Happy with this. :)

I also grabbed some facial wax strips. Now let me explain: I wouldn't say I have obnoxious facial hair. But in some lights the bitty hairs on my upper lip become more visible. In addition to the fact that I have dark, thick hair genes anyway, this made me a bit self-conscious. So I thought I'd try these out. They were only $5 too so that's nice. Anyway I tried these out and I think I like them. Considering the fact that this was my first waxing attempt ever, it turned out pretty well- there was only a bit left-over for the tweezers. The process was super easy thanks to clear on-the-box instructions.

While I did like how effective the actual hair-removal was, I unfortunately developed an irritation/rash on my upper lip. Not happy about that, especially since it lasted like four or five days. And it looked like pimples. Personally I don't think that's worth getting rid of a few hairs for. I don't care that much. So I ended up returning these.
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