Days like today are so refreshing: Only one class in the morning, no work, rain all day, and time to check things off the to-do list. This is what I think of when I remember fall; fall is cozy and laid-back, and refreshing. Fall is tea, candles, cold weather, warm outfits, and happy.

I got these candles from Kohls, and yes there's three of them. They are seriously the most relaxing, comforting scent ever- they totally put me at ease. The scent is called "Cozy Home" and is a blend of toasted chestnut, cinnamon, hickory wood, and vanilla. This smell is fall.
Like I said, today was definitely fall weather- it rained all day. This is probably the lamest and yet hardest thing to deal with when going from class to class. But I pride myself in the ability to shift the placement of my umbrella depending on the direction of the rain. Seriously, when the wind shifts, the umbrella shifts.

While I am not the type of person that is immediately ready for Christmas as soon as Halloween is over, I do like to slowly incorporate some festive accents to my room. I found this little Christmas tree at a yard sale this summer. It has battery powered lights, and I love it, but the cat also loves it and seems to think it tastes very yummy.
And with cold weather comes fun outfits! :) First time wearing my hat today, and it just makes me smile (I feel like Mary Tyler Moore). Great thing about college is that you can wear hats in class, so if I want, I never have to take it off, which is great because *hat hair*.
Hoping to post more frequently in the next several weeks, so I'm trying to get back in the writing-mode.
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