Dear you,
I know right now you're feeling restless and even a bit scared, though you may never admit it.
You feel lost, like you're wandering around not sure which direction you're headed. The future seems so unclear and new, and you feel like you're going at it all by yourself. You don't understand what your purpose for life is at this point in time, but you're trying to figure it out. When someone asks about your plans, you can't give them a specific answer, and that's unsettling. It seems like everyone else has their whole life figured out.
I know you have some crazy things expected of you, and it's so much pressure trying to live up to all of them. But you don't have to. You are your own person, and you need to go wherever God Leads you; He will give you a direction, you just have to be willing to obey. You have so many talents and skills that will take you far in life, you just have to discover how to use them. You are incredible.
I know you're trying to keep it together so that it looks like you do have it figured out. You are hurting because you've been rejected and feel worthless and insignificant; you're wondering what you did wrong. You're trying to find healing and answers to all your questions, but I have to tell you: the journey takes time. It can be really frustrating, but you have to be really honest with yourself about the situation and your feelings. Don't be afraid to deal with it. If you've lost friends that you didn't mean to, fix it. If you've made mistakes that you regret, correct them. You only have to make the effort.
When you feel like you're about to bust because you need to just say what's on your mind, don't be afraid to let someone know. And if you can't talk to anyone, write it down. Get it out of your system. If you think that you can't talk to someone because it'd be awkward or embarrassing, or you think they don't care, try it anyway. You'll never feel bad for being honest with someone. It feels worse to keep things to yourself, and then wish that you'd have said something.
You really want to be content. You want to know where you're going, and what you're doing with this time. I know it's hard to wait. I'm waiting too. And I don't like it. It's confusing to have these feelings that you don't know what to do with. It almost feels like you're wasting time. But if you're giving it to God, and waiting on Him, nothing is ever a waste of time. Don't be afraid to go out and do what you want. Some people will not understand your need for things, but they don't have to. Some will be uncomfortable with your goals, and may try to stop you- don't listen to them. You won't be happy living the life someone else has planned for you. They'll get over it eventually.
Don't ever dismiss your feelings as stupid or unimportant. You are so valuable. You may not ever see how valuable, but don't forget the impact you can have on everyone you encounter. You are so loved. God has you right where He wants you; He's teaching you, and protecting you. He's preparing you for something you know nothing about yet. Don't be afraid to ask for help, or prayer.
You'll get there. Don't be afraid to take a chance; if you want something to change, you gotta make it change.
Don't get discouraged. You'll make it through; God will guide you and give you strength. You can do it.
You are loved.
A friend
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