Hey there! So recently I have found some pieces of clothing that I've been looking for for a long time, and have finally gotten to cross-off my look-for list. Wanted to share:)

First things first: t-shirts. I love t-shirts. I found these two at yard-sales the other day with my mama. The striped one is actually a guys shirt, but I really love it because it's soft, slouchy, and super comfortable. And I love stripes. The second one is a plain black tee from Lands End. Can't go wrong there.

I found a grey hoodie!!! :D Woo-hoo! I have been looking for/wanting a plain grey hoodie for such a long time but was determined to find one at a yard-sale. Welp, I found the perfect one at Forever 21 for $10 and bought it instead. This one isn't online but others are almost exactly the same. It fits perfectly, super soft and cozy, and I get to be the one who breaks it in.

Also, I found a tee-shirt dress. I was kind of searching for one of these for a while, just keeping my eyes peeled. Confession: I bought this after my best friend got the same one because I really loved it. It was exactly what I had in mind, so. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;) I found it at Tilly's, and wasn't dazzled when I tried it on because of the awkward fitting room lighting, but decided to buy it and just return it if I still didn't love it at home. But I did love it at home! Yay! And there's two pluses: 1. It's not rayon and 2. It's made in America.
Okay. I found this wonderful hat at Target, and tried it on just to see what it looked like. It was exactly what I've been looking for to replace my other floppy hat that is much too floppy. This brim is wide enough to protect your face but not flopping all over the place when you're trying to enjoy your view. And it's just cute.
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