Why is it that some days you are just annoyed at everything, but also at nothing in particular, and nothing you do seems to be able to make that feeling go away?
At this moment, that where I'm at and it is no bueno. It's a beautiful day, and I'm trying to get things done, but I'm just not feeling it. I want to workout, but I have a sore area near my hip that I don't want to make worse, and I want to eat and eat and eat, which I can't let myself do if I don't workout. I've got three finals to finish on Wednesday and then I'm done with the semester, and I am trying to study but am just not motivated.

I'd say I'm hangry, but that isn't it because I'm constantly eating. Except not now, because as I'm writing this, I'm avoiding studying for my Old Testament test. Priorities, right? Ugghhh. It'll be okay, I'm really not that stressed.
Does anyone feel me? Like you're fine, and then someone talks to you and you turn into the Hulk, but you can only freak out in your head because if you yelled at your mom for real you'd get in trouble and then you'd be legitimately angry?
Does anyone feel me? Like you're fine, and then someone talks to you and you turn into the Hulk, but you can only freak out in your head because if you yelled at your mom for real you'd get in trouble and then you'd be legitimately angry?
Maybe I need to hibernate.
I think I'm fine now. Time for Christmas movies!!
I think I'm fine now. Time for Christmas movies!!
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