Sunday, August 2, 2015

Just Saying

Why is it that no matter how in-shape I get, Jillian Michaels always manages to turn me into a huffing-puffing-mess by the end of the stupid DVD? Also, I don't think I've mentioned it but for the last month and a half (ish), I have been alternating between yoga and running for my workouts. The last couple weeks have been too hot to run, so it's been mostly yoga and I hate to say this but.......I think I'm becoming bored with it. WHICH IS TERRIBLE. Because it's working and it's good, but I haven't been looking forward to it the last several days. So. That's happening. BUT!!! I have lost 8 pounds (at the moment I'm writing this) since I re-started (AGAIN, ugh) my weight/fitness/health goal stuff. I have 8 to go, but I'm feeling confident. On August 10 it will be eight weeks since I started so that's a great pace; hitting at least one pound a week. And we are considering doing a Daniel Fast with our church starting next Monday, so that could speed things along a bit.

So, today seems to be international "handsome boy with a scruffy half-beard walking around so beautifully...WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND day". Does anyone feel my pain? Like, I can enjoy looking at these people but only for a few seconds because I don't want to be killed by the equally beautiful girl right next to him. #thestruggle It's all good- they're probably too old for me anyway right?

Can anyone tell me about Yonanas Machines? I saw them at Sam's today, and heard about them just a couple weeks ago, and I'm fascinated. Is it worth buying? Like, would I use it every day? Let me know if you know, because I'm super curious.

Maybe I'll want to workout if I eat something so I don't feel weak and hungry...What a concept.

I'm re-reading The Fault In Our Stars. Don't question it.

And I don't really know what else to talk about, so I'll leave you all with this: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." ~C.S. Lewis


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