Saturday, June 20, 2015

1 Step Wart and Mole Removal

As awkward as it may be to talk about, everyone gets moles and/or warts (or not, but most people have one or the other).  

I have had a few moles throughout my life, but only a couple that are in a bad spot when it comes to accidental scratching- that is painful. I also have a large-ish mole in the middle of my back that I've had most of my life that I am currently in the process of trying to get rid of. I've only ever had two small warts, one on my finger and one on my knee. Neither bothered me, so I actually just ignored them for a long time until someone told me of a super easy way to remove them, which I recently learned works for moles as well! Yay!

I tried duct tape, didn't work. Take-home freeze kit, didn't work. BUT, apple cider vinegar works, for warts and moles. A link I read said it had to be Bragg's, but we got the cheap-o kind and it works fine.  It seems like apple cider vinegar works for everything. 
I'm speaking from personal experience. 

All you have to do is soak a cotton pad in the apple cider vinegar, and place it on top of the wart or mole with a band aid or athletic tape (I used athletic tape for a couple days because I didn't want to waste band aids, but it irritated my skin). Leave it there until the cotton pad is mostly dry, and replace it again. The more consistently you leave them soaking, the faster they will be gone (though you may want to let them breathe for five+ minutes in between). When I did this with my warts, they were gone within a few weeks. My moles are taking a bit longer because they're are on my back/shoulders which takes a smidge more effort. 

As the apple cider vinegar soaks into the mole/wart, they will become crusty, almost like a scab, and maybe a bit tender to put pressure on. I wouldn't worry about this. DO NOT scratch them off until it barely hurts to do so, or they will bleed because they weren't ready. Or just leave them to fall off like we were taught as kids. 
That's it! Super easy, and inexpensive. Hope it works out for anyone who needs it! :)

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