Sunday, September 29, 2013

Little Things That Mean A Lot

The first thing I have to say is this: I have never been in an official relationship. But, I have seen many come and go, through friends, family, and yes, I'm going to say, tv. You can really learn a lot from other people's mistakes, and some mistakes you don't want to have to make yourself. I wanted to share some things that I've learned, about guys and girls, so that you won't have to make unneeded mistakes either:)
I'll start with guys first. Girls really aren't as complicated as you think, but here's some things that may help you out:
  • Make sure your girl always feels like she is your favorite person. You mean the world to her, so make sure she knows she means the world to you, too.
  • Honestly, you don't always have to "do something" to make her happy. Throwing the football back and forth in the backyard is great- because she just wants to be with you. 
  • The little things mean the most. The good morning text can make her whole day. Smiling at her just because makes her feel special. The long hugs make her feel safe. That thing you guys do, pretending she has something on her shirt and then getting her nose, really is one of the cutest things. Calling her beautiful. Putting your hand on the small of her back to move around her, makes her feel protected and respected. 
  • Noticing and remembering the little things about her makes her feel so special. 
  • Be the gentleman you really are. Manners matter and can make or break you. 
  • Smelling good gets you major brownie points. But don't put too much of anything on- that just stinks.
  • Do little things for her. If she's thirsty, get her some water. Leave a quick note in her purse or notebook. Hold the door open.
  • Don't act full of yourself. There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, but a little goes a long way. Your girl will brag on you when you do something great:)
  • Show your girl off. You're proud of her? Let her know that! 
Now ladies, we need reminders sometimes too, so here's some very important things I've seen that can make a difference:
  • Always make sure that your guy feels needed. Even if you can do something yourself, especially if it's something small, let him do it for you sometimes. He'll feel special because he's helping to take care of you. 
  • Do not ever talk bad about your boyfriend (or husband) to anyone. It makes things seem like a big deal, even though you may just be upset, and it can make a problem out of nothing. It's also not respectful.
  • Wear clothes. Seriously, modesty is important. Not only because you don't want your significant other to stumble (lust), but because other guys will check you out, too. And if young guys are looking at you, so are the old guys. Gross.
  • Make sure your (girl) friends are friends with your boyfriend. Not besties or anything, but comfortable enough to hold a conversation with each other. It really doesn't feel good when you're best friend gets a boyfriend, and then decides to hang out with him all the time- especially when you two have never actually been introduced, so you can't all hang out together. 
  • Don't be clingy.
These may seem like obvious things, but they really can make a difference. Lust and purity (mentioned above) is a huge aspect of relationships that a lot of people don't consider. It's an important issue that I strongly believe in, and will write more on later:)

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