1. I am a proud follower of Jesus Christ. I am so blessed and thankful for my faith and relationship with Him. I do my best to be a good example and shining light to everyone around me.
2. Horses are my favorite animal ever since I first rode one. I will willingly groom and clean out stalls in exchange for riding time. I've always wanted a horse.
3. I love being outside, but have my moments of appreciation for the indoors as well. I wear many hats, and am glad to become an adventurer when necessary.
4. I don't have a favorite food in the general sense of the idea. If you can name a category of food, I will do my best to name a favorite (ex. dessert, cereal, fruits etc.).
5. I don't have a favorite song or movie. I rotate constantly; each one I like usually speaks to me in a different way, so I like them for different reasons. There's so much to choose from. The same goes for books. But I will say, The Fault in Our Stars will always be my go-to.
6. I hate snakes. I blame Animal Planet. Don't ask questions; don't argue.
7. I hate it (like,seriously) when people make a habit of pointing out or saying that I am perfect. I'm most definitely not. I keep a lot to myself unless I feel it's safe to open-up.
8. But, I am a very open person. If you want to know something about me all you have to do is ask. Don't be afraid. I'm willing to talk about anything, but I'm more likely to do so in small groups or one-on-one. I like a select few people knowing my business.
9. When certain things happen to me, it may seem like I shut down. Sometimes that's how I feel, but I'm really just processing. It can take me a long time to accurately put my feelings into words, or even identify how I feel about something. But once I do, I have to share with someone. Through the process (depending on the situation) I'm usually willing to talk about my thoughts. Most of the time, I wait to talk until I'm sure of my feelings because it bugs me when I have to continually retell stories and facts just because I change my mind, since I usually keep a few people updated on my personal life. I have a hard time keeping track of who knows what.
10. I love watching baseball. Preferably not on tv, but I'll take what I can get. I don't know what it is, but baseball totally relaxes me. Be sure though not to interrupt me if I'm watching because I really am paying attention. I have some great memories of watching baseball.

12.My right pinkie-toe is double-jointed, allowing me to extend it outward for maximum polishing ability.
13.Crowds make me anxious.
14. I have to keep all my school notes organized and in one place. I get upset when a teacher says to turn in our notes and I have to TEAR THEM OUT OF MY NOTEBOOK. Also, never write on my nice clean assignment with your pen just to try and show me how to do the stupid math problem. That's what sticky notes are for.
15. I've always had a fear of getting rings stuck on my finger, and the fire department having to cut said ring off.
16. I'm weirdly possessive of my water bottle. I take it with me everywhere. Don't touch it, don't drink from it.
17. I love it when people address me by my name during conversations, and when they remember little details and pay attention to my habits.
18. I like to swing. It helps me think.
19. I also like to vacuum. It also helps me think.
20. I have no allergies (that I'm aware of).
21. I've never stayed in a hospital.
22. I've never been stung by a bee.
23. I hate push-ups with a passion. But I enjoy planks and squats.
24. Do not wake me up from a nap unless you have food somewhere waiting for me. But it's probably safer just not to wake me up.
25. I enjoy spending time doing nothing in particular.
26. I am a hopeless romantic. This is no secret. People have told me that I get more excited about certain relationships than the people actually in those relationships.
27. I don't deal with lying. Tell me the truth or leave me alone. It's like what your mama told you when you were little: I'm going to be more upset about the fact that you lied than whatever you felt the need to lie about.
28. I really enjoy writing just to get things off my mind. It's like therapy. That's what I'm doing on my blog for the most part.
29. My favorite color is pink. And sparkles.
30. I have been rock-climbing, and I loved it. It makes you feel powerful and yet humbled to our Creator.
31. If you ever need a last-minute present for me, you can *never* go wrong with office supplies (pens and cute notebooks mostly) and Burt's Bees chapstick.
32. I have exactly one cavity.
33. I get very grouchy if I wait too long to eat.

35. I get really nervous when I'm anticipating a phone call. Or even when I get an unexpected phone call. Like, it's not big deal if I just want to pick up the phone and call you, bit I feel weird having people call me. I'm working on it.
36. If I'm meeting you for the first time, I will shake your hand. That's what makes it official.
37. I have a love/hate relationship with my feet. Sometimes I think they're really cute, and the rest of the time I don't.
38. I'm extremely low-maintenance and easy to please.
39. My favorite kids tv shows are Arthur and the Magic School Bus.
40. I don't eat hot dogs.
41. I make my bed every morning.
42. I will procrastinate on certain homework, by doing all my other homework.
43. I've always been a teacher's pet- I don't strive for these things, guys.
44. My cat has chewed through three pairs of my headphones.
45. I have a serious celebrity-crush on Josh Hutcherson.
46. I looooooooove sewing. Most of my dresses are ones I have made myself. I also knit:)
47. I love children.
48. I have a high pain-tolerance.
49. If my hair is styled in some way, I get really bothered when people play with it without asking first.
50. I have very sensitive ears. It takes effort to keep them from getting infected if I get them pierced, and even then they're fussy.
Okay, well, that's fifty! Believe it or not, just getting to fifty took a lot of work- I don't feel like an interesting person. But I am what I am. And I'm very comfortable with that. :)